2023-2024 Winner


An AI-assisted curriculum expert for data science upskilling for adult learners

United States of America, Switzerland
Adult Learning

Prize Level:

Catalyst Prize

Project Description

Scholé is a learning platform that leverages LLMs and Generative AI to offer personalized data science upskilling content that is specific to a job-relevant context. With distinct goal-oriented (short term) and profession-oriented (long term) tracks, it supports immediate user-specified problem-solving and broader professional upskilling, respectively. Olé, our AI-tutor, helps learners customize their curriculum based on a directed graph of data science topics and supports self-regulated learning through goal setting, progress tracking, and study habit recommendations.

Meet Our Team

Vinitra Swamy


Paola Mejia-Domenzain


Phase II of the 2025 Tools Competition is open. Proposals are due Jan 16, 2025.