2021-2022 Winner

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An intelligent teaching assistant for small group learning in K-12 education

United States of America
Accelerating Learning
Award Level:
Catalyst Award

Project Description

Oko facilitates fun and rigorous games and puzzles for elementary math instruction through AI-enabled small group work. Small group learning is a powerful tool for differentiation, yet is out of reach for too many teachers due to a perfect storm of widening achievement gaps and severe staffing shortages. Oko solves these challenges using computer vision, natural language processing, and cognitive tutoring to make learning more fun, accessible, rigorous and equitable.

Meet Our Team

Matt Miller

Co-Founder and CEO, Oko

Laurence Holt

Co-Founder, Oko

Phase III results for the Building an Adaptive & Competitive Workforce track will be released in late May. Meet the finalists for all other tracks here.