2023-2024 Winner

KiwiWrite Math

An inclusive online platform for writing math problems digitally

United States of America
Accelerating Learning

Prize Level:

Catalyst Prize

Project Description

KiwiWrite Math provides a user-friendly, inclusive online platform to write entire math assignments digitally to support remote learners and students with disabilities. Students simply click, tap, or type using our intuitive on-screen interface to write and edit math problems. Work may be placed anywhere on the page, either in a blank file or right on top of a PDF worksheet provided by the teacher. Four math keyboard layouts display age appropriate symbols, allowing younger students to easily align rows and columns using our grid-aligned problem format, while older students can create multi-line problems up to the early calculus level. KiwiWrite provides a writing platform to all, but is specifically designed to support the sensory and motor needs of students with disabilities, featuring single click access to most features and a clear and simple user interface free of visual clutter.

Meet Our Team

Marcia Edel

Founder & CEO

Phase II is now closed. Stay tuned for winners announced in Summer 2025 and next cycle launching in Fall 2025.