Codesafe is a computer science education platform focusing on code comprehension and software security to address current gaps in traditional computer science curricula, which have not yet leveraged the rise of AI programming assistants. Its main features include regular learning modules for all skill levels and backgrounds, scenario-based challenges, and a custom programming assistant to facilitate learning. The scenario-based challenges will be modeled after real-world software engineering experiences. Codesafe provides an accessible and guided opportunity for anyone looking to reskill/upskill in the software engineering field and is available at no cost.
Steven Ngo
Software Engineering Ph.D. Student
Steven Ngo received a B.S. degree in software engineering with a minor in psychology from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. He is a second-year software engineering Ph.D. student at the School of Information and Computer Sciences, and Department of Informatics, at the University of California, Irvine. He conducts research in the intersection of software engineering and cybersecurity, specifically on software security and security review processes. He is also a security research engineer intern with Samsung Research America and the President of Cyber@UCI.