2023-2024 Winner


Combining self-assessment, e-learning, and real-time insights from dynamic labor market job sites

New Zealand
21st Century World

Prize Level:

Catalyst Prize

Project Description

CareerInfront harnesses machine learning and AI to give 15- to 25-year-olds voice and agency in their career journey. Students are invited to complete a comprehensive self-assessment and will be guided by a personal avatar coach to explore their talents, motivations, and potential. Data insights will then support the generation of dynamic labor market job options that are relevant to the 21st century student. With CareerInfront, the learning journey will happen as a continuous, exploratory exercise, free from curriculum constraints, timetabling, or counsellor availability.

Meet Our Team

Sarah Burke

Founder & Content Designer

Glenn Brown

Technology Lead

Jayne-Ann Young

Education Specialist

Phase II is now closed. Stay tuned for winners announced in Summer 2025 and next cycle launching in Fall 2025.