2023-2024 Winner

Bookbot: Reading Coach for Early Grades

Accelerating reading fluency and critical thinking skills

Australia, Indonesia, Tanzania
21st Century World

Prize Level:

Growth Prize

Project Description

Bookbot helps children learn to read by listening to them read aloud and providing pronunciation feedback. Now, it engages in verbal conversations about the stories, like a reading tutor, with a diverse collection of non-fiction, cultural, gender, and inclusive content. Using its interactive avatar, Bookbot enhances cognitive skills through real-time conversations, asking Socratic-style questions to develop critical thinking, reflection, evaluation, and analysis, deepening students’ understanding of any subject.

Meet Our Team

Adrian DeWitts


Yanti Sitepu

Education Manager

Wilson Wongso

Lead ML Engineer

Phase I of the 2025 Tools Competition is now closed. Results will be released on Nov. 22.