2020-2021 Winner

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Automated Readability Tool for English (ARTE)

Open-source tool to automatically assess English texts' readability

United States of America

Prize Level:

Catalyst Prize

Project Description

The Automated Readability Tool for English (ARTE) is a free, easy-to-use tool that automatically measures text readability. This team plans to adapt the currently available tool into an interactive web application to make it more accessible to teachers, administrators, researchers, and material developers. Working with an industrial partner, they will scale the app, adding new functions such as a more friendly interface, data visualization, support for REST API, and expand the number of readability formulas supported by the app.

Meet Our Team

Scott A. Crossley

Professor of Applied Linguistics, Georgia State University

Joon Suh Choi

PhD Student in Applied Linguistics, Georgia State University

Phase II is now closed. Stay tuned for winners announced in Summer 2025 and next cycle launching in Fall 2025.