2022-2023 Winner


An AI-based tool to analyze math-learning strategies in big-data

United States of America
Learning Science Research

Prize Level:

Catalyst Prize

Project Description

ASTRA is an AI-based tool that helps discover math learning strategies by learning them from large-scale datasets. ASTRA will provide learning researchers with a scalable open-source experimentation and analysis platform for math learning. In particular, ASTRA will utilize state-of-the-art advances in AI to learn Large Strategy Models that encode patterns in math learning strategies.

Meet Our Team

Deepak Venugopal

Associate Professor, University of Memphis

Vasile Rus

Professor, University of Memphis

Steve Ritter

Founder and Chief Scientist, Carnegie Learning

Steve Fancsali

Director of Advanced Analytics, Carnegie Learning

Phase II of the 2025 Tools Competition is open. Proposals are due Jan 16, 2025.