Bo Stjerne Thomsen

Bo Stjerne Thomsen

Dr. Bo Stjerne Thomsen is the Chair of Learning through Play in the LEGO Foundation. As Chair and senior expert on how children and adults learn through play, he leads the research and learning agenda of the LEGO Foundation, and provides consultation at a bilateral, regional and multilateral level to international partners, educators and designers. Over the past decade, Bo Stjerne built more than 20 international research partnerships across 5 continents, and supported the implementation of evidence into projects in 30+ countries, to raise awareness around the role and impact of play on creativity and lifelong learning for the LEGO Foundation.

Bo Stjerne has published widely on Creativity, Play and Learning, most recently on the integrated role of technologies in everyday life, and the systems change needed in schools and education to achieve equitable outcomes with learning through play. He is a frequent contributor and advisor to international governments and forums like OECD, WISE, UNGA and WEF, and setting research directions for partnerships and projects worldwide, to bring attention to the quality of childhood and learning through play.

He did his master’s degree in design, architecture and engineering, and his PhD on performative technologies and learning environments. He has been a visiting scholar at the MIT Media Lab, Harvard University and Tufts University, studied research management and leadership at Copenhagen Business School and IMD in Switzerland, and an advisor to various international research organizations.

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