Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro

Ben Rydal Shapiro is an assistant professor in the Department of Learning Sciences. His research and design integrate approaches from the learning sciences, information visualization and computer science to study how people engage and learn in relation to the physical environment and to develop new types of learning environments and experiences that support computer and data science education. Current research projects include the design, development and evaluation of new technologies and learning environments that a) leverage learner’s relationships to data to support learning, b) promote pathways to data literacy and engagement with civic data, c) support teaching technology ethics and specifically data ethics and d) advance teacher’s reflective professional practice to interpret data about classroom interaction.

Shapiro was previously a postdoctoral fellow in the School of Interactive Computing at the Georgia Institute for Technology. He completed his Ph.D. in learning sciences as a member of the Space, Learning & Mobility Lab at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of Education. To learn more about his work visit:

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