KiwiWrite Math provides a user-friendly, inclusive online platform to write entire math assignments digitally to support remote learners and students with disabilities. Students simply click, tap, or type using our intuitive on-screen interface to write and edit math problems. Work may be placed anywhere on the page, either in a blank file or right on top of a PDF worksheet provided by the teacher. Four math keyboard layouts display age appropriate symbols, allowing younger students to easily align rows and columns using our grid-aligned problem format, while older students can create multi-line problems up to the early calculus level. KiwiWrite provides a writing platform to all, but is specifically designed to support the sensory and motor needs of students with disabilities, featuring single click access to most features and a clear and simple user interface free of visual clutter.
Marcia Edel
Founder & CEO
Marcia Edel, Founder, KiwiWrite Software. Marcia is the CEO and product designer for KiwiWrite Math, an educational technology platform designed to bridge the gap between students with dysgraphia and mathematics. As a parent entrepreneur, Marcia has drawn upon her eclectic background in computer science, graphic design, and disabilities studies to devise the product. Marcia holds a BS in Computer Science from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.