2021-2022 Winner

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EIDU Contributor Platform

Accelerating research on personalization algorithms

Germany, Kenya
Learning Science Research

Prize Level:

Transform Prize

Project Description

EIDU has developed a mobile learning platform and an implementation program for low-income countries, focused on improving numeracy and literacy. The new open EIDU Contributor Platform will enable researchers to contribute and research personalization algorithms. Moreover, it will allow for education research on underserved communities, such as schools in informal settlements and remote villages, in turn helping to narrow opportunity gaps. EIDU Contributor provides a quick feedback cycle of build, measure, and learn using an automated submission and evaluation system.

Meet Our Team

Bernd Roggendorf

Founder and CTO, EIDU

Nina Bolte

Head of Learning, EIDU

Phase I of the 2025 Tools Competition is now closed. Results will be released on Nov. 22.